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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Me! The Umbrella Man

Yesterday morning, while I was in the lift coming up to our office on the 9th floor, one of my colleagues, amused that I was carrying an umbrella, inquired why I carried such a big one. I replied stating how it actually did shelter me from the heavy rain and how since I was in office most of the day, it was mostly used by one or the other sales guys who needed to go out in the field on sales calls. She still didn’t seem too convinced and said I could carry a smaller one.

Anyway later in the evening after a day of heavy rain, I left office and as I came to the landing of our office building, I came along side a large gathering of other people from our building standing indoors waiting for the rain to stop. As I walked past them, all their eyes went to the umbrella in my hand, which I put forward and opened, got under and walked into the shower out into the street to where my car was parked.

The story got even better, because as I drove a little ahead around the corner in rows of heavy rain and traffic, I noticed my colleague from the morning holding a bag over her head getting drenched in the rain trying to hail a cab.

I guess she must have been thinking about the morning’s incident and got her answer for it from the Rain Gods.

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