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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Greetings from the Cat

Every night when I get home, I'm greeted by this feline creature with a strange disposition. He always has his tongue sticking out and follows me up to the second floor door and squats there outside his place of residence. Oh and name is "COW". He's my cousin's cat and I haven't a clue why he's called what he's called.


  1. ahem, he's called cow because i once saw this cartoon called 'chicken and cow no smoking' in which a chicken and a MALE cow with massive udders were siblings. (this was on the cartoon network) anyhow, throughout the course of the show, cow tries to get chicken to quit smoking. cow was born in a litter of two little billis- and hence the names chicken and cow came into being. chicken however has left us- and counter ironically it was not smoking that did him in...he was a lovely cat just as is cow.


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