I found him sitting near the entrance deeply engrossed in cutting some papers and when I greeted him he looked up at me, wondered for a while and then broke into a smile, which made his eyes look even smaller, and took my name. Ofcourse he did say something about me looking fatter and older, but I'll forgive him for that as age seems to have got the better of his eyesight. Just kidding.
We reminisced for a bit, caught up on each others lives since we had parted in 1994 and came up to speed. The blokes got two kids, 8 and 4 years old I think he said and wondered why I decided to get married in my old age, as he put it.
Anyway I was in a bit of a rush and took his number and parted ways, only to get a call that some of the old classmates are getting together at Magnolia's tonight. So I confirmed.
Only shortly after got a call from a buddy of mine from Delhi who was in town only for the day and wanted to meet up and so made a plan with him for later in the evening.
Gosh its been a day for catching up with old friends.
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