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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Elementary, My Dear WATSON!


Well it sure was a pleasant surprise to see Sherlock and his loyal side-kick, Dr. Watson in a new Avatar. I clearly remember from my childhood Sherlock being a slim, tall stuck up, stiff upper lip sort of English gentleman and Dr. Watson a square portly kind of man. But in his new look Holmes is quite the action hero.

Of course a little bit of romance is always needed for a good showing at the Box office and so a love angle has been thrown in for both Holmes and Watson to keep us entertained.

Obviously no movie is worth it without a Big Bad “Bad Guy” and Holmes has just this sort of a guy. His nemesis seems to be a hard one to kill.

The plot and deductions are really interesting and if I were a bit inclined scientifically, I’d learn a thing or two, myself.

I liked the movie in its new action packed presentation of a hero we all grew up admiring, but I did miss his trademark “Elementary, My dear Watson”.

Director: Guy Ritchie - the guy who put it all on the big screen

Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr) - the new action hero.
Dr. John Watson (Jude Law) - The loyal side-kick and always watching our hero's back.
Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams) - Sherlock's love Interest
Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong) - The bad guy who just won't die.
Mary Morstan ((Kelly Reilly) - Watson's love interest.

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